Aneesh Muppidi

I am an undergrad at Harvard, majoring in Computer Science and Neuroscience and concurrently pursuing a Master’s in Computer Science. At Harvard's Kempner Institute for the Study of Natural and Artificial Intelligence, I am a KURE Undergrad Research Fellow and advised by Prof. Samuel Gershman. At the Harvard Computational Robotics Lab, I am advised by Prof. Heng Yang. I've also completed research internships at MIT BCS with Ila Fiete and Microsoft Healthcare R&D.

My driving question is simple: how can agents plan for the unknown? I aim to explore this through the lenses of optimization, reinforcement learning, and world models.

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    Recent News

  • My work on Parameter-Free Lifelong Reinforcement Learning was accepted to RLC  (Spotlight), RSS (Spotlight), and TTIC workshops. Checkout the website and code.